Custom Military Coins: Honor & Tradition

Navy challenge coins are teeny-weeny, specially designed tokens that bear the insignia or emblem of any organization. 

Typically not worn like medals or badges, most people carry these emblems in their pockets. Many choose to showcase their tokens of pride in a display case. In multiple instances, achievers treasure these accolades in a shadow box along with other souvenirs including but not limited to medals, badges, and photographs. A very few prefer to redesign their tokens as necklaces, rings, bracelets, or even keychains. However, in the majority of instances, people are seen restyling their custom military coins into a lapel pin for formal wear. 

This blog helps you have a detailed overview of the history & significance of the army coins custom, along with the associated traditions.  

Historical Overview 

Historically speaking, these souvenirs date back to World War I - when pilots used to carry them so as to identify themselves or to prove their association with specific groups. Over time, these laurels became cherished keepsakes.

Another historical record chronicles that the tradition of badges goes back to World War I, when a rich lieutenant ordered a bronze medal to award to his unit. One of his pilots was shot down behind enemy lines. And he used the awarded emblem to prove his identity to French allies. This feat ultimately proved to be the sole reason that saved his life. 

Another record says that such symbols of respect & remembrance originate from within Romanian culture. When Romans legionnaires discovered and consciously accepted their formidable combat prowess, they tried hard and became successful in branching out their influence across Europe and Northern Africa. Transforming into nearly mythic figures, they let the nations all across the globe witness them vanquish all adversaries. Keeping the terrific expansion in view, the Roman commanders felt an obligation to honor the exceptional efforts of their soldiers. And so created and awarded the honoraries with a fair share of multi-pronged designs as tokens of appreciation. 

Not only did these accolades boost morale, but they also, as is historically recorded, instilled a noble sense of purpose among valiant warriors who had to spend precious years of their lives far away from their beloved homeland.

These accolades have evolved throughout history all while adapting to the unique needs and experiences of copious conflicts. 

With the beginning of World War II, the use of souvenirs spread far and wide. It was seen in Vietnam, that the Army coins custom became a new normal to honor the bravery and long-term service. The sole purpose was to build camaraderie among troops. The adding conflicts added layers of meaning. And traditions kept on evolving. Thereby, elevating the status and stature from a mere token to a significant mark of resilience & companionship. 

Besides, from the Korean War, coming to modern-day conflicts, these accolades have continued to evolve. All through, history noted greater evolution in the designs and materials too. 


Navy challenge coins often feature ornate designs, including unit insignias, mottos, or symbols relevant to the organization's identity. Primarily, these badges are a crystal-clear recognition of excellence, representing tangible acknowledgment of the hard work, dedication, and perseverance of achievers. Besides, these premiums as a reminder of the earned respect among peers. Camaraderie & unity are also the reflections.

At the same time, these distinctions are a living indicator of trust that the achievers gain over time and that of their impeccable leadership. When a subordinate is presented with an emblem by his/her senior, a sense of close connection and an appreciation for the achiever's efforts is patted. This gesture strengthens the leader-subordinate relationship and thus fosters an oft-desired culture of mutual respect and open communication. 

Protocols and Associated Traditions

Awarding personalized military souvenirs aims at recognizing the top-notch services of serving and former members. It is presented in honorary ceremonies arranged by a particular unit. The present is more often a commanding officer or an old dignitary.

When a personnel is awarded, it is customary for the achiever to exhibit a civil and courteous demeanor. Members also traditionally challenge their peers to produce their emblems. If any fellow fails to accomplish the challenge, then it’s an obligation on him/her to buy a round of drinks for squad mates. 

Indubitably, these badges are a token of appreciation, of remembrance, of excellence, and acknowledgment. To make your subordinates feel cherished for any of these purposes, Max Lapel pins ensure that you get premium-quality, personalized military coins at reasonable rates. Visit Max Lapel, order precious souvenirs for your subordinates per your will and wish, and make them feel respected and remembered. 

Significance of Navy Challenge coins

In military tradition, these souvenirs hold prime importance. They are the emblem of bravery, determination, or call it valor, fortitude, perseverance, and gallantry during or throughout their service period. Thus, the award fosters an utmost sense of pride. The practice of awarding or receiving insignia strengthens bonds among personnel and enhances their morale. Not less often, the badges are also placed on the graves of those comrades who give their lives up for their countries as a token of regard and remembrance. The U.S. armed forces introduced this tradition. Defense Media Activity claims that the following practice brought about an anti-war sentiment amongst the guardians and blood relations of the departed souls. 

As observed, the honoraries are also awarded in other ceremonies or rituals like those celebrating promotions, bidding farewell to retirees, and honoring deceased personnel at memorial services. In such instances, these tokens of duty are a concrete representation of the beautiful bond shared by the unit members. And also serves as a symbol of the legacy that the bidders left behind for those who are serving and for those who will come after.

Role in the Ongoing Era 

In the running era, these expressions of plaudits part play an indispensable role in fostering unity and recognizing excellence in performance. For now, the tradition has extended far beyond. And has become commonplace within sectors like law enforcement, fire departments, and corporate organizations.


Navy challenge coins have a rich and storied history dating back to World War I and evolving over time to become cherished symbols of excellence, camaraderie and resilience. These small tokens carry immense significance, representing the bravery, dedication and unity of military personnel. Whether showcased in display cases carried as personal mementos or transformed into wearable items these coins serve as powerful reminders of the bonds formed and the sacrifices made. As traditions continue to evolve the legacy of Navy challenge coins endures honoring the past and inspiring future generations.
