
Custom Military Coins: Honor & Tradition

Navy challenge coins are teeny-weeny, specially designed tokens that bear the insignia or emblem of any organization.  Typically not worn like medals or badges, most people carry these emblems in their pockets. Many choose to showcase their tokens of pride in a display case. In multiple instances, achievers treasure these accolades in a shadow box along with other souvenirs including but not limited to medals, badges, and photographs. A very few prefer to redesign their tokens as necklaces, rings, bracelets, or even keychains. However, in the majority of instances, people are seen restyling their custom military coins into a lapel pin for formal wear.  This blog helps you have a detailed overview of the history & significance of the army coins custom , along with the associated traditions.   Historical Overview  Historically speaking, these souvenirs date back to World War I - when pilots used to carry them so as to identify themselves or to prove their association with specific g